Miracle Bonus Board


Jodi Widner


The President presides over all meetings. They appoint all committees and approve all bills. 


Nichole Collins

vice president

The Vice President plans our membership meetings including, activities, projects, guest speakers, and more. They fill in for the President as needed.


Kristen Maefsky


The Treasurer manages the Miracle Bonus bank account and tracks the monthly budget. The Miracle Bonus newsletter is currently produced by our Treasurer.


Tiffany Arnold


The Secretary keeps official meeting minutes of all meetings including Executive Board meetings. They keep records of attendance at monthly meetings, provide minutes for the newsletter, and attend to club correspondence. 


sergeant at Arms

The Seargeant at Arms keeps order at all club meetings and acts as the other teller for voting. They help the Treasurer counts funds at Auction and is in charge of committe sign-ups.

vanessa gray


The Advisor roll is filled by the previous President. They advice the President in matters concerning the office of the President. They stand as a member of the Executive Board, and club parlimentarian.

jill olsen


The Advisor roll is filled by the previous President. They advice the President in matters concerning the office of the President. They stand as a member of the Executive Board, and club parlimentarian.

Amy Smith

senior delegate

The Senior Delegate is filled by the previous Junior Delegate. They are responsible for research files and forms, delegate roster changes, and reporting to the club as needed. They are responsible for compiling and submitting various information for Convention, and organizing the Club Challenge for Convention.


Junior Delegate

The Junior Delegate is responsible for udating the club histories and TOG reporting, and submitting this information to the Historian/Publicity Chairmom at NWAMOTC. They are in charge of the Mother of the Year info in the event the Senior Delegate is elected MOY.

Please contact us if you are intersted in filling an open Board seat.

Contact Us




NWAMOTC Convention 2023 Board



Cynda Weitz


Our Convetion Co-Hosts are in charge of organizing and hosting the 2023 Convention.

Katie Lambson


Our Convetion Co-Hosts are in charge of organizing and hosting the 2023 Convention.

rita evans


Treasurer develops the budget and keeps track of our income and expenses for the 2023 Convention. They report to our club newsletter and to NWAMOTC at the 2023 Fall Meeting.



Please contact or check facebook for current meeting location.


Need additional assistance? Please contact us:



We are here to answer your questions via email 24/7.


Public Group

Members Group
